From Scratch front-end installation

This guide intends to describe the process of installing OpenNebula on a Ubuntu container running armhf architecture. You can download a basic container from linuxcontainers “LINK” image repositories or Ubuntu “LINK” images or you can even use the base image provided in and follow the steps provided on this guide.


Please note there is a ready to be deployed container that will save you the trouble of this guide. You can download it from here “LINK” This guide is only intended to show what is inside that container and for those who want to contribute and improve this process.


  • Read Notes sections attached to some steps, before using the shell
  • Commands prefixed by “#” are meant to be run as root. Commands prefixed by “$” must be run as a normal user.
  • (...) in code snippets means that could be code before/after the modified lines. That portion of code need to stay unmodified.

1. Install OpenNebula

1.1. Dependencies first

You can find OpenNebula dependencies here. But if you are as lazy as me, just run the following command:

1.2. Prepare the source code

Get the sources and compile them

Now, grab a cup of coffee, walk your dog and take a shower. Don’t worry, it will still be compiling when you return.

1.3. oneadmin

Create oneadmin user and group

1.4. Ruby dependencies

Install required ruby gems. Luckly OpenNebula provides us with a script for this

1.5. oneadmin password

Create oneauth file with oneadmin password. This password will be used when entering Sunstone. Replace *password* with your password.

1.6. Configure OpenNebula services’s logrotate

Just copy inside /etc/logrotate.d/opennebula the following configuration:

dateformat -%Y%m%d-%s

rotate 52

/var/log/one/one_xmlrpc.log {

/var/log/one/oned.log {

/var/log/one/sched.log {

Set appropriated permissions to the file:

1.7. OpenNebula systemd services

Download systemd units an untar it:

Copy it to /lib/systemd/system/ to be able to manage OpenNebula’s services from systemd set the approppiate permissions:

1.7. SSH key

Generate an SSH authentication key for oneadmin. Then, authorize login with the generated key. Log in as oneadmin and execute this:

2. LXDoNe

This is the add-on that will allow OpenNebula to manage LXD containers.

2.1. Download and install driver

Download the latest release and untar it:

Copy scripts to oneadmin drivers directory:

Set the appropriate permissions

Go back to the adon’s folder

2.1.1. (Optional) Add support for 802.1Q driver (VLANs).

Replace /var/lib/one/remotes/vnm.rb file for our modified version.

2.2. Enable LXD

Modify /etc/one/oned.conf. Under Information Driver Configuration add this:

# lxd Information Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
IM_MAD = [ NAME = "lxd",
EXECUTABLE = "one_im_ssh",
ARGUMENTS = "-r 3 -t 15 lxd" ]

Under Virtualization Driver Configuration add this:

# lxd Virtualization Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of actions performed at the same time
VM_MAD = [ NAME = "lxd",
EXECUTABLE = "one_vmm_exec",
ARGUMENTS = "-t 15 -r 0 lxd",
TYPE = "xml",
IMPORTED_VMS_ACTIONS = "migrate, live-migrate, terminate, terminate-hard, undeploy, undeploy-hard, hold, release, stop, suspend, resume, delete, delete-recreate, reboot, reboot-hard, resched, unresched, poweroff, poweroff-hard, disk-attach, disk-detach, nic-attach, nic-detach, snap-create, snap-delete"]

2.3. Modify OpenNebula’s information driver

The Raspberry Pi does not have a pci bus, so Opennebula´s pci.rb script will fail. Let’s simply remove it.

2.4. Remove LXDoNe CPU limitation

Edit /var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/lxd/ and comment the following line:

profile['config'].append(lc.map_cpu(xqi('CPU', dicc)))  # cpu percentage

Should look like this:

profile['config'].append(lc.map_ram(xqi('MEMORY', dicc)))
# profile['config'].append(lc.map_cpu(xqi('CPU', dicc)))  # cpu percentage
profile['config'].append(lc.map_vcpu(xqi('VCPU', dicc)))  # cpu core

2.5. Configure systemd units

Reload the systemd manager configuration.

Enable required units so they will start automatically

Now, start opennebula service to check everything is OK:

3. Add hostnames to /etc/hosts

Make sure the frontend’s hostname is listed in /etc/hosts after the loopback address (

Also, very node must be capable to reach the frontend container by his hostname. If you are using hostnames to add nodes in the frontend, the frontend need to know the nodes’s names too. You can configure a DNS server with an entry for every node and the frontend or simply included his names in /etc/hosts.