First node deployment

This guide intends to describe the process of deploying your first node. We will call it “box0”. As previously explained in the Overview, this node is nothing else than a basic compute node created with this guide “LINK” plus an LXD container running OpenNebula. The container running OpenNebula was created by this “LINK” guide. In order to save you some trouble an image ready to be deployed on a Raspberry have been created.

You will need a microSD card with at least 4GB and preferably class 10 or better.


  • Read Notes sections attached to some steps, before using the shell
  • Commands prefixed by “#” are meant to be run as root. Commands prefixed by “$” must be run as a normal user.
  • (...) in code snippets means that could be code before/after the modified lines. That portion of code need to stay unmodified.

1. Get and install your first node

Please, download the image and follow this short guide.

1.1. Download image

Go to “url

1.2. Dump image on a microSD card

1.2.1. If you use Linux

I will assume /dev/mmcblk0 is your microSD card. Please check and be sure. If you make a mistake and erase all of your girlfriend’s pictures you are on your own so good luck.

1.2.2. If you use Windows

Sorry, no idea. Check the Internet. Never tried before. Luckly never will.

1.3. Turn it on

Connect the microSD to your Raspberry and turn it on.

READY”, that is all. Easy, right?


Now you have your first node ready. As explained before on the overview we recommend at least two nodes and a NFS drive for production, but if you just want to try “Clox” you can use this Raspberry. Everything is already configured. Open the following URL: The default user is “oneadmin” and default password “oneadmin” also.


The default OpenNebula’s datastore has been maintained, with the default configuration. This datastore uses the ssh drivers, which means the image will be copied before deploying the container. Because of this the container will start slowly and will not run as smoothly as it should. That is why we recommend an NFS datastore. Still, you can now go to the frontend with this URL: but only with testing purposes. The default user is “oneadmin” and default password “oneadmin” also. Click on the “Keep me logged in” checkbox if the session closes unexpectedly.

Now, you should create the NFS datastore and add new compute nodes. Please, go to the next guide.