New node deployment guide

This guide intends to describe the process of deploying a compute node based on Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 3 from a preconfigured image provided by us. If you want to know more about how this image was created or create your own you can find more information here. You will need a microSD card with at least 4GB and preferably class 10 or better.


  • Read Notes sections attached to some steps, before using the shell
  • Commands prefixed by “#” are meant to be run as root. Commands prefixed by “$” must be run as a normal user.
  • (...) in code snippets means that could be code before/after the modified lines. That portion of code need to stay unmodified.

1. Get and install basic node

With the image provided by us you will have a node ready to be linked to your cluster. You just have to download it and follow these steps. We also have a guide that describes the process of creating this image. You can find it here. LINKKKKKK

1.1. Download image

Go to “url

1.2. Dump image on a microSD card

1.2.1. If you use Linux

I will assume /dev/mmcblk0 is your microSD card. Please check. If you make a mistake and erase all your girlfriend’s pictures you are on your own.

1.2.2. If you use Windows

Sorry, no idea. Check the Internet. Never tried before. Luckly never will.

1.3. Turn it on

Connect the microSD to your Raspberry, connect it to the cluster’s network and turn it on.

2. Configure node

You need only a few adjustments to add this node to the cluster.

2.1. Set IP address and hostname

This image comes with IP address and hostname box99 by default. You need to change this. Your box0 already configured has IP address You might want to add new nodes as for box1, for box2 and so on.

CHANGE Cambiar el network interfaces y el etc hosts usando sed

2.2. Configure Passwordless SSH

OpenNebula greatly explains this step. Check it here “LINK”. If you are as lazy as me here you have a quick way to achieve this ;).

Set a temporary password for oneadmin user on the new node:

Log in to the frontend and as user oneadmin execute this: .. note:: In this case, opennebula is the frontend’s hostname. Only use the hostname for this host. Use the node’s IP address for the rest of the nodes.

Now, still in the frontend as user oneadmin, copy the directory /var/lib/one/.ssh to all the compute nodes nodes:

You should verify that connecting from the Front-end, as user oneadmin, to the nodes and the Front-end itself, and from the nodes to the Front-end, does not ask password:

2.3. Configure NFS (optional)

If shared datastore(s) via NFS, remember to configure it on the node. Follow this step “LINK” “only on this new node”.

3. Add new node on OpenNebula

First log in to OpenNebula. The url will be “oneadmin” is the default username and also the password.

Now you are ready! For any new node you want to add just read this page again. On the next guide a few basics of OpenNebula will be provided and it will be shown how to deploy new containers and application ready containers provided by Clox.